In December 2024, Darren Edwards will be embarking on a daring expedition to the South Pole, attempting the longest sit-ski in Antarctic history. Covering a distance of 333 kilometres in just 20 days with temperatures likely to be -20, this is a gargantuan undertaking for Darren, who was permanently paralysed from the chest down as a result of a rock climbing accident in 2016. Darren will be aiming to raise over £300k for Wings for Life, a charity focussed on finding a cure for spinal injury. Having previously raised over £200k for mental health and spinal injury charities, we have every confidence Darren will achieve his ambitious goal. The expedition was announced on January 18th 2024 to huge media interest, with over 250 pieces of individual PR coverage secured by Tory Lyne-Pirkis of Neon Gloria PR. With training trips planned in Norway and Iceland, it's going to be a busy year. We'll be announcing further members of the team in the coming weeks.
Intoxicating History - Henry Jeffreys & Tom Parker-Bowles
We're delighted to announce the launch of Intoxicating History, a brand-new podcast series that uncorks the history of alcohol and the alcohol that shaped history. Each week, award-winning authors and raconteurs Henry Jeffreys and Tom Parker-Bowles will be decanting and discussing the stories behind some of the world's most popular beverages. Was champagne really invented by a blind French monk? Did vodka-politics contribute to the Russian Revolution? Was Hogarth part of an anti-gin conspiracy? Did the Ancient Greeks invent drinking games? To find out the answers to these questions and much more besides, be sure to tune in to this warm and witty 20-part series of rich storytelling blended with Henry and Tom's expert tasting notes. Intoxicating History is brought to you by the team that made the global TV series The Wine Show and is sponsored by Taylor's Port. Episode 1 is available from December 5th 2024.